Things To Keep In Mind Before Remodeling Your Business

If you own a restaurant, you know you have to pour your heart and soul into your business. Long working hours, a million things on your To Do List; plus being in compliance with the D.B.P.R. regulations and making sure your employees are all on the same page.

And sometimes, there is one extra item that somehow crept its way onto your extensive wish list: Remodeling your business space. And that’s a great idea. The benefits of giving your restaurant a face lift are many.

But before you get started, there are several things you have to keep in mind to have a successful remodeling project.

  1. Review the terms of your business lease: There is nothing that will put a damper on your plans like getting all excited about getting a project started, only to find out that you can’t do what you want to do. If you need assistance in figuring out esoteric construction terms, Eclipse Building Corp. can help you review the document and see what you can do under the existing terms.
  1. Your budget. You know how you set aside a specific amount of money for your project? Try setting aside a bit more, because chances are high that additional expenses are going to come up. Prioritize what is non-negotiable, and if the trivialities are racking up your bill beyond what you can realistically spend, modify accordingly.
  1. Your target market: Do you cater to hipsters? Make sure you keep a nerd vibe going on in your dining room. Maybe include a few abstract artworks on the walls, or play 90s music from indie bands. It may be your restaurant, but it’s also theirs. If your clientele fits another description, integrate their preferences into your design. Make them feel at home and give them a reason to keep returning.
  1. Hire the right construction management firm: This is not the area to scrimp. If you hire a contractor who’s going to cut corners, you’re going to spend a whole lot more money trying to get their mistakes fixed. Research their credentials, look at their past projects, seek out references and reviews.

Eclipse Building Corp. can help you in every step of your renovation project, from planning, to reviewing your lease, to construction, to post-renovation maintenance. Call us and find out firsthand what it is to work with a company whose modus operandi is excellence. Your business and your guests will appreciate it.